I suppose one thing (among the MANY) that I have learned about pregnancy and impending parenthood is that plans go out the freaking window. Now I am not totally anal retentive on planning things, but I am a planner. I enjoy planning things out, and sticking to them. I usually have plans in case my first set of plans fall through. But as the title of the post indicates, planning is one of those things that you plan for (lots of use of the world plan here) but it may not always happen. So let's start with how the plans in my life went to the wayside.
1-I was born and raised in New York. Planned to go to college there, my friends and I were going to be the next Sex and the City (yay for life expectations!). I was going to go to college, get an amazing job, and be all city life. How did those plans go?
Well...at 18 we moved from New York to Delaware. I ended up meeting my now husband at 18 (we were married when I was 23). I started going to renaissance faires. I started my own business. And I met a lot of amazingly nerdy people.
2-A while ago, right after we were married, I was having some "womb issues". Without getting into detail, I was told that I would not be able to conceive naturally. My husband and I talked about it, and being the planner that he is, we both decided that if the world doesn't end in 2012 (according to the Mayan calendar-he is really into that sort of stuff) then we would try for a baby. Until then, we would just live life and have fun doing the things we do.
So, how did that go? Well I am now pregnant! I conceived in November of 2010 and baby is due any day now. She apparently decided that she wanted to make her mark early. This, we are both very excited about.
And a side note, my husband saw me blogging, and wants to say "Hello" to all of you.
Now that we are pregnant, let's get into my pregnancy plans!
Plan A, we were going to have an all natural birth. Go to a birthing center, do a water birth and all that jazz. We started out on that route, and it was all fine and dandy and I was excited. After a few weeks and health check, it was decided that because of my previous gastric bypass (only 1 year before I became pregnant) and other past health issues, it would be best for me to go to our hospital. So yeah, that plan...out the window! Now admittedly, I was a bit sad to not be able to do it "my way", but the ultimate goal was that we were having a baby, and as long as she and I were healthy (which we are), then I'd give birth on an airplane if I had to.
Plan B, ok so we move our prenatal care to the hospital. Not bad at all. The doctors and nurses love them (as my husband makes everyone laugh), and everything is going well. We write out our birthing plan, and as the days get closer to the due date, which was August 18, we wait.
We continue to wait.
Due date comes, and we have an appointment scheduled. I get checked, membranes stripped, we discussed our birth plan with our doctor, and realize that more than likely it is going to go out of the window. Which is not a bad thing, because we are still healthy and happy, it's just a waiting game right about now.
And by Wednesday, August 24th, we have another appointment scheduled to see what happens with the little bean that is baking.
In the end, plans are just that, plans. They don't guarantee an event is going to go as you want it, and the most important thing is to be flexible and open to changes. Which we don't have a problem with. So here's to all you parents that plan, see those plans fall through, and still keep on going!
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