Hello all! This is my first blog post here. The first blog post is always the weirdest. Sort of like going on a date that was set up by your friend only to realize that you and said date have absolutely nothing in common. Then, you are stuck with the inevitably awkward "So, tell me about yourself" conversation. Well, I hope that this post is not that awkward and to start I will tell you a little story that I read a few years back from some random place on the web...
A guy and a girl go on a date. The date is heading for disaster as both are terribly shy. There is a couple with their three year old daughter sitting at the next table who just happened to learn the differences between boys and girls. (Need I say more?). The adorable little girl, looks over and sees the couple. Not knowing the boundaries of social conversation the little girl says hello and then proceeds to say.
"You are a boy. You have a penis." The guy looks mortified. Before the dad can grab his angelic little daughter, she then looks at the girl and says, "You are a girl, NO PENIS FOR YOU!".
Quite a story to tell their grandchildren 40 or so years down the line.
Now, that we have broken the ice, we can now move on past that weird stage! So, what is this blog about? Well it's about everything! But mainly parenting and life and everything that comes in between. There are a lot of funny parenting blogs that I read on a semi daily basis, and I too wanted to get in on this as I find myself to be funny and weird and sarcastic. And if I haven't mentioned it before...nerdy. Sometimes, with the events that happen in our life, I swear I am surprised to learn that we are not on a hidden camera reality show. But being that that is not the case, this blog will be our outlet for our parenting stories and tips and tricks and all that jazz. In this blog you can find crafting tutorials, stories, reviews, random ramblings and all that good stuff.
If we make at least one parent smile while their child is bashing them over the head with a teething ring and drooling on the keyboard, then we are happy to share!
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